When you say 'YES!'
You are not figuring
out the journey alone.

When you say 'YES!'
You have a team with
diverse expertise.

When you say 'YES!'
You shorten the long
learning curve.

Once you have a completed manuscript, our passionate and professional team will walk beside you every step of the way to edit, design, and deliver your book into the world.

Consider this: In the traditional publishing route, your odds of a publisher reviewing your manuscript are about five percent—and even that review is no guarantee, since just one percent are ultimately chosen for publication.
Publishers are in the business of finding a “winning” book. They are making bets, and their primary concern is finding something that’s marketable and will sell. In contrast, at Awaken Village Press, we believe everyone has a story to tell—and a story someone needs to hear. Our mission is to awaken the planet, one book at a time, by serving as a companion publisher to authors with an inspiring message to share.
At Awaken Village Press, we help you finish your manuscript and publish it. And you keep the rights (we believe you get to own your story) and the profits.
Working with us is a personalized journey with an energetically aligned book doula who holds a container for you to stay focused and bring forth what it is you have to say in the most authentic, honest, and inspiring way.